The Department of Astronomy and Space, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, held a panel discussion entitled.” Stars are factories of chemical elements in the universe, from helium to uranium “.The panel discussion aimed to review the importance of stars, which are considered active cosmic bodies that work to fuse nuclear fuel to produce enormous energy, and to find out how stars work in producing chemical elements during nuclear fusion. The panel discussion, whose lecture was presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Ahmed Abdul Razzaq Salman, included a review of nuclear methods and their other reactions that work according to particle capture because of its extremely important role not only in the process of generating energy, but in the process of producing heavy chemical elements that reach bismuth, indicating There is a third type of nuclear reactions that only occur in the death of heavy stars and require extremely violent and intense conditions, indicating that this third type of reaction produces supermassive atomic elements such as uranium, lead, and other similar natural elements.

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