In the Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, the master’s thesis entitled “Determining the Optimal Location for a Dam in the Western Plateau/Iraq for the Use of Renewable Energies using a Digital Elevation Model” was discussed by the student Maryam Jassim Mohammed under the supervision of Assistant Professor Layth Aziz Jawad. The research aims to study population growth and scientific development, both of which are reasons for increased civilization development, necessitating their need for energy sources. Traditional energy sources have many negative aspects economically and environmentally. Therefore, there is a pressing need to use clean energy sources, including hydroelectric power, which is a clean energy source that does not cause pollution. Remote sensing technologies are used to select the best location for building a hydroelectric power station. The thesis concluded that selecting the dam site using geographic information systems and remote sensing methods is one of the most successful methods currently applied in the field of hydrology, by extracting the largest basins of the Western Plateau, with the results showing that the Huran Valley basin is the largest in terms of area and the amount of water flowing into the basin .

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