Under the auspices of the Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Falih Hassan, attending by several students, staff members and astronomers.

Astronomy and Space Department, in cooperation with Continuing Education Unit of the Faculty, organized a workshop entitled

“Sky Astronomical Surveys”

       The aim of the workshop was to teach about the astronomical surveys of the sky, types and evolution as technologies evolve over time and its importance in studying of celestial bodies and the data provided to those interested in astronomy. Sloane , is one of the most important Astronomical sky surveys as a digital survey of space with special  features, productivity many programs devoted to searching for celestial bodies with multiple Astronomical  gestures.

         The workshop included an important lecture by Dr. Haider Reza Hussein about a systematic observation study of visual sky as a whole or as a part, in order to gather information on celestial stars and planets assurance that sky surveys were used by astronomers to identify the sky and track changes in sites of stars and celestial galaxies, Astronomers have obtained data about their locations, movements and characteristics, such as brightness, color and temperature, confirming that these data are used to create maps of the sky, track their movement, and identify recent observatories. As well as being used to study the large-scale structure of the universe, detect larger galaxies, observe new stars and bigger galaxies.

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