Under the patronage of the Dean ,Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Faleh Hassan, with the presence of several students, teaching staff, and specialists in the field of plastic surgery.

Department of Life Sciences, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Unit, organized a lecture entitled:

Use of snail creature for cosmetic purposes in alternative medicine centers

        The purpose of the lecture was to familiarize the audience with snail and its medical importance in the field of human cosmetics and to adopt it as an alternative to surgical cosmetic procedures that can cause side symptoms, especially in some unlicensed centers and sometimes cause deformity or death .

        The lecture Presented by academic lecturer, Butul Kazem Habib, highlighted the importance of the snail as an animal that lives in a coincidence, Its importance comes from the sticky substance it releases, explaining that this substance is made of collagen and used to soften and moisturize the skin, Affirmed as necessary to maintain youth, shine skin and protect from facial wrinkles.

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