Sponsored by the Dean of college Dr. Raad Faleh Hassan , with the presence of students, academic staff, oil and energy professionals.

      Department of Earth Science, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Unit, held a lecture entitled:

“The Global Future of Oil and Alternative Energy”

     The purpose of the lecture was to familiarize the audience with kinds of energy sources, future of global oil and gas, consumption ratios of fossil fuel energies, renewable energy, non-renewable energy and sustainable energy, searching about creating clean alternative energy sources that would be a substitute for oil referring to some of the world’s nations moving to dispense with oil energy.

Dr. Hiba Saadoun Al-Maamar presented the lecture and discussed the environmental impacts of the use of fossil fuels referring to increasing global warming, negative climate changes, and appropriate ways to achieve zero emissions output by 2050.

Finally, the lecturer concluded that oil and gas production will not stop globally but will continue to coincide with the use of other alternative clean energies such as solar, wind, and water, as well as thermal energies.

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