The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, organized a workshop entitled “Digital Marketing” in the presence of several students and teachers concerned with digital media, rehabilitation, and employment.

The workshop presented by Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Dawood, Assistant Lecturer Iman Hatem Khdeir, Assistant Lecturer Hammam Imad Wajih, Assistant Lecturer Mustafa Bassem Mahmoud and Assistant Lecturer Saif Saad Shehab. The workshop aimed to introduce digital marketing, its revenues and benefits, strategies and tools used in the world of digital marketing the importance of artificial intelligence applications in digital marketing and the most important branches of digital marketing in practical applications, especially e-store applications, and the role of the labor market today and what is witnessing huge transformations.

The workshop included the importance of digital marketing and what they provide to graduates in the use of e-marketing to promote their individual skills and talents. whether technical, creative or leadership skills, what social media platforms provide is an opportunity for graduates to build strong social networks with colleagues and employers, which can open new doors to employment and employment opportunities, as graduates can use e-marketing to promote their technical, creative or leadership skills.

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