The Department of Life Sciences, in cooperation with the Development and Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, held a lecture entitled “Egg freezing” under the auspices of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Falih Hassan, and attended many postgraduate students involved in women’s medical affairs.

The purpose of the lecture was to highlight the correct and safe medical egg freezing as a process whereby eggs from ovaries are extracted during fertility age and frozen for preservation, thereby dissolving them again when future childbearing is needed.

The lecture displayed by Dr. Lamia Abdel Reza Fadil included the introduction of egg preservation methods that are a way to preserve women’s fertility potential. This shows that ovaries are treated with medication, then eggs are extracted from the ovaries and frozen for using after when desired, referring to the dissolution of these eggs and their annexation with sperm, then the fetus and the pregnancy is achieved by placing it in the womb, stressing that the egg quality decreases with age.

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