
Raising the level of mathematics department graduates to contribute to the scientific and technical development of the country and to be among the ranks of distinguished and pioneering educational departments in academic achievement.

the message

Promoting the educational process in the Mathematics Department to reach the highest level of quality to graduate qualified students capable of logical thinking and possessing scientific research skills to meet the needs of the labor market.

The department aims to instil a love of mathematics in the hearts of the department’s students and explain its importance and uses in various areas of life. Among the most important points:

Working to prepare qualified students to complete their postgraduate studies to obtain master’s and doctoral degrees, of which the country suffers from a severe shortage.
Improving the quality of education to keep pace with the current technical development in international universities.
Graduating students with a high level of academic competencies meets the needs of the labor market in the country.
Students graduated with a high level of academic competencies to work as teachers.
Developing study plans at the bachelor’s degree level to keep pace with scientific developments and the latest developments of the times.
Qualifying cadres capable of dealing with advanced technologies and modern changes with all effectiveness and flexibility.
Developing students’ skills and scientific ability and competing locally and internationally in the field of specialization.
Promoting scientific research in the field of mathematics, studying mathematical and statistical problems, and carrying out scientific research to find appropriate solutions to them.
Participation in prestigious local and international conferences.
Motivating students to be aware of the latest developments in scientific research, technology, and smart teaching methods.
Meeting the curricular needs of other departments in the college and universities.