In the College of Science’s Department of Biotechnology at the University of Baghdad, a master’s thesis entitled ‘The Prevalence of Toxin-Antitoxin System among Acinetobacter baumannii Isolated from Different Clinical Sources’ by Rawaa Hayder Baeewe was discussed, Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr.Rasha  Abd  Ali  Al-Khalidi. The research aimed to isolate A. baumannii from patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit and study some important genes responsible for the toxin-antitoxin system, given that Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria are among the causes of hospital-acquired infections. The research findings led to the identification of isolates displaying the most elevated levels of carbapenem resistance. The study revealed that every single A. baumannii isolate (120 out of 120) generated biofilms through the use of MTP. Furthermore, those isolates demonstrating robust biofilm production also exhibited a considerable degree of resistance. In the context of carbapenem resistance, the results suggest that the antitoxin system may perform an important function, which may help the bacteria survive in various environmental conditions

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