Department of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, held a panel discussion entitled “Drugs and Society.” The panel discussion aimed to raise awareness about drug crimes, which are considered dangerous and have a significant impact on individuals and society. The panel discussion highlighted the activities of gangs that permit theft, murder, and the use of various methods in order to trade drugs and earn more money. The panel discussion presented by Professor Dr. Fouad Kadim, Assistant Professor Dr. Bushra Ali Ahmed, Dr. Muhammad Ismail, and Assistant Lecturer Abdul Rahman Bilal included an analysis of the reasons that lead to the spread of the phenomenon at the individual and social levels, indicating that addressing addiction problems and curbing the spread of the phenomenon, as well as protecting society from its dangers, depends on advancing knowledge about the reasons for its prevalence at the level of social organization in general and at the individual level in particular.

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