The Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, organized the workshop entitled “Suicide between causes and treatments.”The workshop aimed to define suicide and the factors leading to it by analyzing the reality of suicide in Iraq, the challenges facing this group, and the strengths and weaknesses that can be addressed. It also reviewed the official statistics of suicide cases in Iraq according to official statistics.The workshop, presented by Assistant Lecturer Mariam Shihab, Assistant Lecturer Abeer Nizar, Assistant Lecturer Marwa Muthir, and Assistant Lecturer Tabark Sami, included a discussion of the contents of the national strategy for suicide prevention, in response to reducing suicide rates. The workshop concluded with important results, including raising awareness about the risks of suicide and the negative consequences of this act, which the mind and logic reject. It also emphasized the role of society in creating a positive environment for those suffering from personal fluctuations and weaknesses, and attempting to find real ways to integrate them into society. It also emphasized the role of Islamic religion and its role in reducing the phenomenon of suicide. This phenomenon represents one of the most prominent challenges facing human societies at present, increasing continuously worldwide. The reasons and motives behind suicide cases are diverse, as suicide knows no boundaries, and countries allocate significant funds to mitigate this phenomenon and prevent its exacerbation.

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