Under the auspices of the Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Falih Hassan, supervised by the Head of Astronomy and Space Department, Assistant Professor Dr. Abdullah Kamel Ahmed with the presence of department academic staff, students, specialists of remote sensing, GIS, environment Astronomy and Space.

Department of Astronomy and Space in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit held a scientific symposium entitled:

Climate changes & ways to treat the waste in Iraq


The symposium highlighted climate change due to rising temperatures in the twentieth century as a result of the increased concentration of gases of atmosphere as a result of human activities, which are the key to climate change as well as, burning of fossil fuels thus the production of gases, causing rising warming about 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Professor Dr. Najat Mohamed Rasheed, Academic Alaa Mushtet Hamadi and Academic Saad Abdul Mahdi gave a lectures focusing on climate change, the impact of waste on the environment and solutions referring to the important of waste control to reduce climate change & its impact on human health as well as plants and animals.

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