The Biological Research Unit for the Tropical Regions in cooperation with the Development and Continuing Education Unit at the Faculty of Science, University of Baghdad, held a workshop entitled “sources of DNA” in the presence of several graduate students, academics and those concerned with the specialization of genetic engineering.

The workshop aimed to introduce the sources of DNA and how to extract this acid and the goal of extracting it, whether in the investigation of crimes or the identification of diseases and genetic mutations related to the emergence of a particular disease or the identification of paternity and different methods of extraction depending on the source extracted from it.

The workshop, which was attended by both the Prof. Assistant, Marfat Abdul Hassan and Dr. Rafal Ismail, reviewed the methods of collecting vital samples and transferring them to the laboratory and then smashing the cells and deposition them to obtain DNA and define its technology of impurities and estimate its purity and how to calculate the concentration and disposal of salts associated with the purification process. indicating the sources of bacterial DNA from plants (foliage), animal tissues, bones, white blood cells, saliva and bodily fluids obtained from the said sources using chemical or physical methods, by separating the DNA from the protein, cell membranes and other cellular components and purifying them after the disposal of impurities and proteins accompanying the extraction process.


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