The Department of Geology, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, held a lecture entitled

The Field Work of Seismic Teams for Oil Exploration Purposes in Iraq” under the patronage of the Dean of the College Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Faleh Hassan.

The lecture presented by Prof. Kamal Karim Ali aimed to introduce the tasks and duties of the seismic field teams in oil exploration, this program will support the national economy through the implementation of seismic surveys in the mountains, plateaus, deserts and marshlands and the processing and interpretation of seismic data. as well as drilling exploratory wells and identifying some of the problems of developing productive wells.

The lecture included a review of the fieldwork tasks of seismic teams in exploring oil and gas clusters and evaluating them, using the latest technologies available through national technical teams with specialized expertise, especially in the fields of geology, treatment, and interpretation. The field seismic survey and laboratories are supported by engineering, legal, financial, administrative and service staff. The lecture indicate that these seismic surveys have provided outstanding results represented by the discovery of hundreds of reservoirs and oil fields.

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