The Development and Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science in cooperation with the Center for Development and Continuing Education at the University of Baghdad, organized the training workshop entitled “Electronic Archive” under the patronage of the Dean of the College Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Faleh Hassan, in the presence of many college employees and academics.

The workshop aimed to provide the participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage documents and digital preservation effectively, which includes understanding the basics of electronic archiving and the most important technologies, digital document management, archiving standards, information protection and security, converting paper documents to digital and everything related to digital archiving officially and personally.

The course was presented by Dr. Alia Mohammed Nouri, who reviewed the electronic archiving materials and devices and the importance of documents and information, preservation. Emphasizing the role of electronic archiving, its advantages and steps, to provide participants with concepts and basic issues in the field of archives function, as well as how to use the computer and electronic technologies to develop electronic archiving systems and protection skills.

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