The Remote Sensing Unit, in cooperation with The Development and Continuing Education Unit at the College of Science, University of Baghdad, organized a lecture entitled “Design and evaluation of solar centers by using the program Zemax” under the patronage of the Dean of the College Assistant Professor Dr. Raed Faleh Hassan in the presence of a number of the faculty members and teachers.

The lecture aimed to define before starting to design any visual system, the effectiveness of the design must be determined, as each particular design has strengths and weaknesses, as well as each design has a certain adequacy and competence is the real criterion for estimating the success of any design.

This lecture was presented by Assistant Lecturer Yaser Yassin KHudair and includes the highlighting of the design of three theoretically different models using the program (zemax) (basin equivalent cutting center, pelvic spherical surface center, and pelvic polygon surface center) To obtain a comparison of each shape and study the different parameters of it. Indicating that these concentrations are free of the costly solar tracking system and fixed to face the sun during the daylight hours.

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