The Vision

 Leadership and excellence in educational and research fields in various science programs, and providing society and the labor market locally and globally, with qualitative outputs and applied scientific efficiency

The Message

Preparing graduates with ability and competence to innovate and innovate in various fields of science and qualifying them to continue scientific research, to produce knowledge through programs that support the student with solid scientific foundations and skills, and train him to become highly professional with distinguished technical expertise.


1- Developing academic programs with future visions that are compatible with the continuous change in the needs and requirements of the labor market.

2- The quality and suitability of all programs offered by the faculties of science in the areas of academic accreditation and community service.

3- Spreading the culture of quality and accreditation in the faculties of science by involving all employees.

4- Develop quality assurance strategies that achieve satisfaction for customers and beneficiaries and contribute to the development of the quality of the educational and research process and innovation to serve the community.

5- Achieving a quality assurance system in science faculties through effective participation in setting university policies, plans and executive mechanisms.

6- Develop personal experiences and expertise by exchanging them with national and international evaluation and quality assurance and accreditation bodies.

 7- Upgrading the science faculties and their study programs according to the specialized program accreditation.

Specifications of a graduate of the Faculty of Science

The graduate of the College of Science is characterized by having a strong and distinguished scientific experience based on well-rounded study plans characterized by diversity and flexibility, focusing on scientific contexts and practical application, as well as extra-curricular activities that develop self-confidence and enhance self-abilities.

 The specifications of a College of Science graduate can be detailed as follows:

1- Possess scientific, research and analytical skills that enable him to conduct scientific experiments, analyze their results, and be creative.

2- The ability to communicate scientifically with others and keep abreast of modern technologies efficiently and benefit from them.

3- Demonstrate the ability to adapt to the requirements of the labor market and integrate into society.

4- The ability to assimilate and abide by the requirements of ethical and professional responsibility.